The Journey of Growing

The Overview

A senior portfolio is a project that seniors create to gather all of their best works and pieces into one place to showcase for their future. This project allows for a student to see their strengths and weaknesses in terms of what parts of their writing is good, and/or what pieces they might need to add for their portfolio to be better for their future. It’s a form of reflection from their previous years with their favorite and most proud works. Not only does a senior portfolio showcase a student academically, but it often reflects what kind of person the student may be. Senior portfolios, and portfolios in general, are an important aspect in an educational career because it allows for the collection and conclusion of a students work throughout school to be showcased.

For this senior portfolio, specifically, the topics that were required to include certain pieces for were:

My Lesson

This senior portfolio consists of all my favorite writing pieces completed in high school. Comprising about 12 pieces ranging from Essays, Poems, Creative pieces, to Japanese writing, they all contribute to a theme of growth. This portfolio in particular represents a time where I moved from Japan to Hawaii and many of the pieces represent the changes and adjustments I went through, making it a very personal experience.

This project challenged me because it required a reflection before each piece talking about why I chose that piece and how I feel about my writing in that piece (was it good? Bad?). Being able to reasonably see your achievements, but also weaknesses is an important skill because it allows you to try to better yourself in the future and reflect on your everyday activities. Not only did this portfolio teach me new skills, but it also allowed me to reflect on the journey I’ve undertaken so far. I think reflection is also important to do because it also helps growth as an individual. Nobody is perfect, but we can all grow to try and be a better person than yesterday.